Friday, March 25, 2011

Herkukukuk HOTDOGS!

 This video introduces Dale Bonehart, a hotdog loving, redneck. He is rude, and blunt. He doesn't make much sense and drops the F bomb every third word. Even though the humour of this video is cheap and crude I found myself laughing....possibly uncomfortably. Dale Bonehart's love for hotdogs is both disturbing and heart warming.

  My first thought when watching this was "oh god. Is this guy humour or what?" In truth, I believe it is. There are burp jokes, and swearing. With in the skit there is a minute where Dale Bonehart is yelling at his father for abandoning him and his mother. Through out the heart felt affirmation of his father he spatters mustard, ketchup and hotdog bits from his mouth that cloaked and crust upon his shirt. My boyfriend showed me this and busts a gut every time he watches it. Even though I found the video disturbing I felt myself joining in on the laugh. We often quote Dale Bonehart. In moments of uncertainty and to my embarrassment when ordering from restaurants.

Herkukukuk HOTDOGS!

Friday, March 11, 2011


Kindergarden they have cooties.

Grade two you think the cootie out break stops and you play and hang out at recess.

Grade four they make imature jokes.

Grade six you might have your first really, REALLY  bad kiss.

Grade eight you go on awkward movie nights where parents pick you up.

Grade ten we date for a about a week

Grade twelve you  think you're in love.


Gif I Made..I was a slight bit morbid then.

click to see it move.

A Past Sleepless Girl

Dear Olivia, the inability to sleep has begun again. Thinking about farm animals does not help. I have tried sleeping in three different places...would try the bath tub but that's always awkward when some one stumbles in. I suppose my last means of attack will have to be crying myself to sleep but of course that that doesn't work because crying actually makes you feel better and you then find yourself trying to find other terrible things locked up in your mind so that you can cry even more. Let's look in the cabinet...nope no drugs I could use. Hold my breath? Unfortunatly that just kills brain cells. Going on the computer just seems to activate my brain more...I guess I will go back upstairs, think about everything and hope I will get to sleep at a decent time like 3 am.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What if?

What if
Shel Silverstein

Last night, while I lay thinking here,

some Whatifs crawled inside my ear

and pranced and partied all night long

and sang their same old Whatif song:

Whatif I'm dumb in school?

Whatif they've closed the swimming pool?

Whatif I get beat up?

Whatif there's poison in my cup?

Whatif I start to cry?

Whatif I get sick and die?

Whatif I flunk that test?

Whatif green hair grows on my chest?

Whatif nobody likes me?

Whatif a bolt of lightning strikes me?

Whatif I don't grow talle?

Whatif my head starts getting smaller?

Whatif the fish won't bite?

Whatif the wind tears up my kite?

Whatif they start a war?

Whatif my parents get divorced?

Whatif the bus is late?

Whatif my teeth don't grow in straight?

Whatif I tear my pants?

Whatif I never learn to dance?

Everything seems well, and then

the nighttime Whatifs strike again!


Monday, March 7, 2011

Cats are Cool!

by Kevin Chan

I like cats,

You like cats,

Cats are cool,

People love cats,

Cats are like icecubes,

They are cool,

"Cool beans" says the cat,

The dog replied,

I will eat you,

He did.

This Poem is A Cliché

Roses Are Red

by Roderick Molasar

Roses are red

Violets are violet

If this poem doesn't rhyme