Friday, May 27, 2011

Last Thirteen Minutes of Class

apathetic cartoons, apathetic cartoon, apathetic picture, apathetic pictures, apathetic image, apathetic images, apathetic illustration, apathetic illustrations

I will read through my writing and fix what I can. I will waste and search the interweb. I type some little bits of nonsense to give the illusion of dedication or using time wisely. The click clack of the keyboard. For all you know I could be typing up a storm. A real masterpiece if you will.

In reality no. I'm just typing what comes to mind. And for a simple mind of yourstruly it isn't all too much. If I had more, come to mind, I may have actually done my work and wouldn't have inspersonated greatness. Call me lazy or call me stupid. I am what I am and my work is a mirror into my apathetic brain.

Friday, May 6, 2011



The art of Japanese paper folding. An activity when accompanied with great patience awards relaxation and accomplishment.

This is true if you have patience. I do not. I often look up origami and have attempted many creations such as birds, stars, dragons and the all mighty crane. Attempted is the keyword.  I usually get to step 4 of the instructions and find it nearly impossible to continue.

I don't know if the instructions are translated from Japanese but I find them written in a way that is hard to follow.

Origami is not relaxing. It's stressful and always ends up with ripped up pieces of paper in the trash. Origami fun becomes Origami frustration.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Post Offices Kill Dreams

Post offices do this thing where they sent fake letters back to children. I was ten when I received my counterfeited Santa letter and that was my last letter I ever sent. It broke my heart.

It was written on ordinary paper and was not hand written. If it was legit it would have been written on holly leaves and written in cherry plum fairy blood....or something.